jeudi 29 janvier 2009

How to enjoy 3D ...

Ahhhhhh ... "THE" shoes !
A real hard-time for a beginner. Hours and hours modélisation!
It was our first "realistic" and hard work.

First 3D work

Et hop! voila mon premier boulot de 3D après deux semaines intensives de cours :
Un tire-bouchon !! ^^

mercredi 28 janvier 2009

... and the end!

different works I've done during computeur graphics lessons in my second year of communication visuelle:
  • symmetry aroud a theme we liked
  • "stencil" game
  • composition in CMJN

BTS again...

This is another work I did during my BTS : a professionnel project done for a tiling entreprise named SOBECAR. I spare you the soporific details about how i did it and all the justifications!!!!!

lundi 26 janvier 2009

Let's begin!!!!

So, this is a few works I've done during my BTS in "Communication Visuelle".
First, there are works of visaul identity (including one for my school LIMA), followed by advertising research for the event l'Escale du livre in Bordeaux and last is an editing work for the book Voyage autour de la table which is talking about Japan and Matsuri.